Time remaining to complete booking:

Resident Parking Scheme

If you live in the Resident Protection Zone (RPZ) you can apply for a free digital permit for your road during Radio 2 In The Park event weekend.

This will ensure that only residents park in this area and not members of the audience. Your digital permit is only valid for the vehicle details that have been provided.

Resident Protection Zones will be clearly signposted with County Council enforcement officers patrolling throughout the event period, deterring unauthorised parking and the blocking of residential access.

You are advised to print out and display your digital parking permit on the dashboard, however every vehicle will be scanned to ensure it has a permit to park.

The Resident Protection Zones will be operational from:

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September from 12.00 - 12.00 (enforced from 08.00)

If you have any specific requirements over the BBC Radio 2 Party In The Park event (such as carers attending your property) you can email the team directly on bbcr2inthepark@preston.gov.uk for guidance.

Information required:
  • Name
  • Address including post code
  • Email address
  • Contact telephone number
  • Vehicle registration number
  • An application is required for each vehicle, with a maximum of two per household
  • Upload proof of address such as a utility bill, driving licence
Roads included in the RPZ (A to Z)

The map below shows the designated RPZ. If your road is on the list of roads included in the RPZ above, or shown on the map below, please apply for the resident parking scheme.

Click map to see a larger image.

BBC Preston Map
Website by Jakerw